
Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, it is very common  ailment in children and young peoples, but it can occur at any  age.

The tonsils are masses of lymph tissue located on the right and left at the back of the throat. The basic function of these tissues is to provide resistance against disease it acts as a filter and prevent the spread of infections in the throat, mouth and sinuses from spreading to other parts of the body. Studies also show that the tonsils produce antibodies or cells that fight disease.

Tonsillitis is usually a self-limiting condition; normally it gets better without treatment, without any complications


– It can be caused by bacteria as well as viruses. Younger children tend to be affected by viral tonsillitis, while older children and adults are more prone to bacterial infection.

– The viruses that cause tonsillitis are often the ones that frequently affect the respiratory system or breathing. This generally takes place in persons with weakened immune systems

– Bacterial tonsillitis can be caused by Streptococcus pyogenes-the organism that causes strep throat. If left untreated, strep throat may lead to a more serious condition called rheumatic fever, which can affect the heart several years later

– Tonsillitis is transmitted most commonly from one person to another by social contact such as droplets in the air from sneezing.

– Tonsillitis can also sometimes be an offshoot of more serious illnesses like diphtheria, scarlet fever and infectious mononucleosis.

Signs and symptoms

– Pain in the throat associated with difficulty in swallowing.

– The pain may spread to the ears.

– The throat is reddened, the tonsils are swollen and may be coated or have white spots on them.

– Moderate to high grade fever.

– Swollen lymph glands under the jaw and in the neck.

– Headache.

– Loss of voice or changes in the voice.

– If tonsillitis is caused by viral infection the symptoms are usually milder and often related to the common cold.

– If it is due to a bacterial infection (streptococcal infection), the tonsils often swell and become coated. There will be sore throat along with fever and foul smell from mouth


– Difficulty in breathing due to much enlarged tonsils

– Secondary infection may occur in the middle ear or sinuses.

– If the sore throat is due to a streptococcus infection, there may be a rash (scarlet fever).

– Child suffering from recurrent attacks has a slow development & frequently misses out on school

– In adults, recurrent attacks of acute tonsillitis can predispose to formation of intra oral abscesses

– In very rare cases, diseases like rheumatic fever or a particular kidney disease (glomerulonephritis) can occur


– Warm drinks, soft food and the use of throat lozenges and/or a mouthwash may ease swallowing problems.

– Drink plenty of fluids. In tonsillitis it’s common to lose a lot of body fluid through fever and mouth breathing.

– Patient should do gargles from salty warm water.

– Spicy food and cold drinks should be avoided.

– It’s important to ensure you have adequate rest and stay in a warm environment.

Homeopathic symptoms and cure

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the basis of symptoms rather than conditions, as each case of a particular illness can manifest differently in different people. There are many symptoms which can be effectively treated by homeopathy few symptoms are given below. If your symptoms are matching to any of the symptoms given below, it can be cured mail the disease and symptom number at to know your medicine.

1. Painful, yellow, pus-laden tonsils causing splinter-like sensation in the throat, better from gargling with hot water; smell from the mouth very foul like that of old cheese; in general, the child is very chilly (requiring warm clothes even in summer) and oversensitive.

2. Severe, chronic left-sided tonsillitis in a thin, anemic child; pain, fever and hot perspiration especially at night (during sleep) and in the morning (on awakening); pain, which radiates into the left ear, is more when swallowing liquids than while swallowing solids; pain gets worse from hot gargles or drinks but better with cold applications/drinks; the tongue is black and trembling, and, the tonsils look blue-purple; sensation of ball in the throat can’t bear tight clothes around the neck.

3. Right-sided tonsillitis with pain and fever worse at night; constant desire to swallow (saliva); the tongue is thick and moist, showing imprint of teeth; intense thirst for large quantities of cold water; gargling with hot water worsens pain the body trembles and there is profuse, offensive perspiration.

4. Right-sided tonsillitis with electric shock-like, flying pains and burning in the throat as if from coal or red-hot iron; pain, which shoots into the right ear while swallowing, is worse from hot water gargling but better from cold drinks, the tonsils are swollen and ulcerated, and the uvula greatly enlarged.

5. painful spots deep within the tonsil, affected area aches out of proportion on swallowing, red, inflamed throat, striking in the ear, with swift progress.

6. Swelling is intensely great and there exists extreme tenderness in the throat The left tonsil has tendencies to overlap to go to the right, with pain shooting into the ear when one attempts to swallow ,tonsillitis turnes dark. Pain is worse while swallowing of hot drinks. Rheumatic pain, following tonsillitis.

7. Sudden or acute attack of tonsillitis from exposure to dry and cold air. Dry, burning, constricted feeling in the throat, accompanied by violent cough inducing restlessness, anxiety and fear. The face and neck goes dry, red and hot and also unquenchable thirst for large quantities of cold water.

8. Burning, stinging pain in the throat with fever, worse at 3 p.m., tongue fiery red; uvula and tonsils look puffy and oedematous, causing suffocation; cannot bear tight clothing around the neck; weeping disposition, thirstlessness, a craving for cold milk and swelling on lower eye-lids.

9. Tonsillitis of a child who is backward – physically and mentally; almost perennial colds; sensation of a plug in the throat; no fever.

10. Sudden, violent attack of tonsillitis causing severe, throbbing pain in the throat and fever, Worse at 3 p.m., the mouth and the tongue are dry and hot yet there is no thirst; tonsils (especially the right) appear dark red; liquids are more difficult to swallow than solids; the patient dislikes open air, wants to remain in a warm room and likes the neck to be covered with warm clothes.

11. Throat bright red, shiny; patient feverish, nervous, sensitive and easily flushed but not anxious. Inflammation marked, but no exudation.

12. Sore throat with swelling of the tonsils, hoarseness and hacking cough, often from taking cold through exposure to draughts, or while damp. Adult is restless and irritable, child is cross, irritable and wishes to be carried.

13. Sore and swollen throat with high fever and stinging, burning pain or sometimes no pain at all but always worse from touch. The tissues have a swollen, glazed, purple-red appearance. There is no thirst, but sucking ice will relieve, while heat in any form aggravates. The right side is often worse.

14. Offensive sore throat. Tonsils generally very swollen, with yellow coating on tongue and burning pain into ears. Foul breath, profuse flow of saliva with marked dryness of throat and intense thirst; often an oily sweat. The throat is worse at night, in the mornings, after sleep.

15. Frothy, transparent mucus covering the tonsils, with swollen uvula (the flap of skin at the centre back of the mouth) and a sense of obstruction in throat. Constant flow of clear saliva.

16. Creamy, yellow mucus on the tonsils and the base of the tongue, with sensation of a lump in the throat. There may be acid stomach or sour risings.

17. Inflamed throat; tonsils swell and become very red at first, then may change to dark or bluish red, especially on the right side. Shooting pains running into the ears when swallowing, starting at the root of the tongue. White or gray white spots appear on tonsils, coalescing to form patches.

18. Sore throat, extremely sensitive, first on one side then the other, and may alternate for days. Feels dry, scalded, tight and stiff, as if it were closing up. Sensation of a lump in the throat, and pain through to the ears on swallowing. Worse from cold air, better by either warm or cold drinks.

19. Pitted sore throat, white pits full of pus and debris, with extreme sensitivity to pain, cold air and draughts. Violent pricking pains when swallowing, running into the ears or the glands of the throat, and a sensation of a splinter at the back of throat.

20. Tonsils and throat are bright red and ulcerated, with a sensation of constriction, Swallowing is difficult, and there is fear of any contact or pressure.

21. Chronically enlarged tonsils, and suffers periodic fevers, colds and influenza.

22. Catarrhal tonsillitis with violent burning sensation, headache, and throat hot, chill and aching in back and limbs; abscesses forms quickly.

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