Depression is probably the most common psychological  disorder and the one that varies in intensity and duration, can  appear at any decade of life, and according to the National  Institute of Mental Health the occurrence of depression in  children is increasing. Research on the treatment of depression of children and adolescents with conventional antidepressants has not problem to be effective; in fact, there is an advisory regarding an increase of suicidal risk in children and adolescents treated with conventional antidepressants.

Many people are not aware of the many types of depression a brief description depression are discussed below.

A. Major Depression: Major depression is probably one of the most common forms of depression. You probably know a handful of people who suffer from it. The sufferer seems to walk around with the weight of the world on his or her shoulders. He or she seems disinterested in becoming involved in regular activities and seems convinced that he or she will always be in this hopeless state. There is a lack of interest in sexual activity and in appetite and a weight loss.

B. Atypical Depression: Atypical depression is a variation of depression that is slightly different from major depression. The sufferer is sometimes able to experience happiness and moments of elation. Symptoms of atypical depression include fatigue, oversleeping, overeating and weight gain. People who suffer from atypical depression believe that outside events control their mood (i.e. success, attention and praise). Episodes of atypical depression can last for months or a sufferer may live with it forever.

C. Psychotic Depression: Sufferers of psychotic depression begin to hear and see imaginary things – – sounds, voices and visuals that do not exist. These are referred to as hallucinations, which are generally more common with someone suffering from schizophrenia. The hallucinations are not “positive” like they are with a manic depressive. The sufferer of psychotic depression imagines frightening and negative sounds and images.

D. Dysthymia: Many people just walk around seeming depressed – – simply sad, blue or melancholic. They have been this way all of their lives. This is dysthymia – conditions that people are not even aware of but just live with daily. They go through life feeling unimportant, dissatisfied, frightened and simply don’t enjoy their lives. Medication is beneficial for this type of depression.

E. Manic Depression: Manic depression can be defined as an emotional disorder characterized by changing mood shifts from depression to mania which can sometimes be quite rapid. People who suffer from manic depression have an extremely high rate of suicide.

Depression can affect anyone, of any age group, and is essential to identify at the earliest to avoid any long term or irreversible damage that may occur the key to treating depression lies in identification. Considering its symptoms are spread far and wide, a depressive disorder may not be the easiest to spot. A close friend or family member is usually a good judge when it comes to realizing that an individual is suffering from depression .

Understanding when an individual is depressed beyond a certain point wherein the condition restricts his/her normal behaviors and activities and seeking help at the right time is vital. This should usually lead an individual to seek professional help from a doctor who can then assess the patient and diagnose accurately. Depending on the diagnosis, a number of treatments can be administered to help the individual overcome depression.

Signs and symptoms of depression

a. Excessive sadness. Most commonly, a depressive disorder is reflected by a sad and/or irritable mood exceeding normal sadness or grief; especially when it is characterized by greater intensity and duration.

b. Self-loathing. A low self esteem, inappropriate feelings of guilt and worthlessness, hopelessness, helplessness and self-hatred.

c. Unexplained crying spells. Other symptoms include explicit changes in bodily functions like crying spells, low energy or libido.

d. Change in food and sleep patterns. The person may also experience a change in appetite, weight gain/loss, or change in sleep pattern.

e. Physical symptoms. A decrease or increase in activity level.  There may also be a loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities, as well as unexplained aches and pains.

f. Morbid thoughts. Suicidal tendencies or frequent thoughts of death.

g. A sense of distractedness. Having trouble thinking, coming to decisions, or getting easily distracted could be signs of depression.

Other signs to look out for include excessive fatigue, insomnia, poor concentration and memory and reduced social interaction.



Making minor changes in lifestyle can often relieve mild depression. If you feel under too much pressure, give up one or two activities that are not essential. If you feel isolated or out of touch, try to get out more or take up a new interest so that you meet other people.

Make sure your diet does not include excessive amounts of Vitamin D, zinc, copper, or lead, and avoid tea and coffee. In some women, oral contraceptives seem to contribute to depression; Increase your intake of Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and C, folic acid (folate), biotin, bioflavonoids, calcium, potassium, and magnesium

Homeopathic symptoms and treatment

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed by symptoms rather than conditions, as each case of a particular illness can manifest differently in different people. There are many symptoms which can be effectively treated by homoeopathy ­­­­­few symptoms are given below.If your symptoms are matching to any of the symptoms given below, it can be cured mail the disease and symptom number at to know your medicine.

1).  Anxious, insecure, and perfectionist people who have set high standards for themselves and others they are at risk of depression if they fail to reach their own high standards. Worry about material security, suspicious of others, fearing their condition could be serious, worried unduly about his health, overly critical of themselves and others. Symptoms are worse in cold weather, very sensitive to pain and suffer most between midnight and 2am.

2).  Person who is strongly focused on work and achievement, who become depressed if they feel they have failed in some way. Discouragement, self-reproach, humiliation, and anger can lead to feelings of emptiness and worthlessness. The person may feel worse at night, with nightmares or insomnia. Feel better by walking outdoors.

3).  Feels chilly, suffering from wind, on edge, oversensitive to noise, light and other stimuli, racing thoughts get in the way of sleep, vivid dreams leaves exhausted on waking

4).  A dependable, industrious person who becomes overwhelmed from too much worry, work, or physical illness may. Anxiety, fatigue, confusion, discouragement, self-pity, and a dread of disaster. feels chilly and sluggish and easily tires on exertion, chilly people who sweat easily, who periodically feel sluggish and suffer with insomnia – especially when away from home.

5). Depressed because of grief and loss (either recent or over time). Frequent crying or a feeling of mental dullness and forgetfulness (with anxious checking to see if the door is locked, if the stove is off, etc.). deeply sympathetic toward others and, having a strong sense of justice, can be deeply discouraged or angry about the world.

6). Energetic and talkative when feeling well, but upset and gloomy when depressed—with exaggerated fears (of insanity, of being attacked, of disaster). Painful menstrual periods and headaches that involve the neck are often seen when this remedy is needed.

7). Depression follows deep grief or heartbreak after a love affair Sensitive people who suffer grief or disappointment and try to keep the hurt inside. Wanting not to cry or appear too vulnerable to others, they may seem guarded, defensive, and moody, burst out laughing, or into tears, for no apparent reason. A feeling of a lump in the throat and heaviness in the chest with frequent sighing or yawning Insomnia (or excessive sleeping), headaches, and cramping pains in the abdomen and back are also often seen.  Become depressed after trying to suppress feelings of grief, despair or emotional upset at the expense of outbursts of hysteria or mood swings.

8). Feels depressed after working too hard, being physically ill, or going through prolonged emotional stress or excitement. Exhausted, nervous, and jumpy, difficulty working or concentrating. discouraged and lose confidence. Headaches from mental effort, easy perspiration, sensitivity to cold, anemia, insomnia, and indigestion becoming shy, seeking their own company and flinching at sudden noises. Alongside the change in mood, muscular weakness, yellow discharges and wakes early with hunger pangs.

9). Depression caused by repression, jealousy or suspicion. Hates commitment and confinement. Worried about world affairs and be very talkative. menopausal depression, particularly if the woman feels worse on waking and suffers with hot sweats.

10).  Gentle, unselfish people who care deeply for their family and friends may become depressed after a loss or disappointment. They try to hide their feelings from others, which does not help their condition avoids conflict whenever possible. Nervous and physically sensitive (to sun, to weather changes, and to many foods, especially milk), get depressed when feeling weak or ill. Weak digestive systems and a marked intolerance to dairy products. When suffering, isolates them and may listen to sad music.

11).  This remedy is helpful for sensitive, refined, serious-minded people, whose inner feelings are strong and may be of anger, grief or fear of losing control. The manner in which they bottle up these feelings may lead to depression. They dislike consolation from others and appear stoical and controlled. They need to be alone to cry and can be moved to tears by music. Craving for salt and migraine tiredness from sun exposure are other indications for this

12).  Bursting into tears at the slightest provocation, wanting a lot of reassurance and attention. Childlike softness and sensitivity—and can also be whiny, jealous, and moody. Fresh air and gentle exercise usually improves mood. Getting too warm or being in a stuffy room can increase anxiety. Depression around the time of hormonal changes (puberty, menstrual periods, child birth or menopause). The woman will often crave sweet foods and put on weight.

13) Weary, irritable, and indifferent to family members, overwhelmed by their responsibilities to family members. They direct their irritability towards loved ones Wants to be left alone and may respond in an angry or cutting way if anyone bothers them.  Often feel better from crying, but would rather have others keep their distance and not try to console them or cheer them up. Menstrual problems, a sagging feeling in internal organs, sluggish digestion, and improvement from vigorous exercise Postnatal depression, loss of sexual desire and menopausal symptoms, sagging feeling in the pelvic area.

14).  Hurt feelings, shame, resentment, and suppressed emotions can lead them to depression. If under too much pressure, they can sometimes lose their natural inhibition and fly into rages or throw things. Insomnia (feeling sleepy all day, but unable to sleep at night),A high sex drive is often present. Stress related headaches, toothache and stomachache.

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