Psoriasis is an autoimmune noncontiguous disease affecting the skin and joints. Due to this skin becomes red, scaly with elevated patches called plaques. Psoriasis affects both sexes equally, occurs at all ages
To understand how psoriasis takes place we should first understand autoimmunity. Autoimmunity is the failure of an organism to recognize its own constituent parts as self, which allows an immune response against its own cells and tissues. Any disease that results from such an aberrant immune response is termed an autoimmune disease. Same thing happens in the case of Psoriasis also, which is driven by the immune system, especially involving a type of white blood cell called a T cell. Normally, T cells help protect the body against infection and disease. T cells help create scabs over wounds. In the case of psoriasis, T cells are put into action by mistake and become so active that they trigger other immune responses, which lead to inflammation and to rapid turnover of skin cells. Epidermal cells then build up on the surface of the skin, forming itchy patches or plaques.
Psoriasis not only causes physical impact on skin, but it also affects people’s feelings and behavior. It affects the way a person sees himself and the way a person is seen by others. Psoriasis is linked with social stigmatization, pain, discomfort, physical disability and psychological stress
Commonly affected areas are on the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, palms, and soles of the feet. However, no area of the skin is exempt, including the genital area. The disease may also affect the fingernails and toenails, and the soft tissues inside the mouth. Almost 20-25 percent of people with psoriasis have joint involvement and inflammation that produces arthritis symptoms. This condition is called psoriatic arthritis
Symptoms & Signs
– Skin patches
– Dry or red
– Usually covered with silvery, shiny scales
– Raised patches of skin
– Accompanied by red borders
– May crack and become painful, occasional bleeding
– Usually discrete, demarcated patches
– Usually located on the elbows, knees, trunk, scalp, hands or nails
– Skin lesions, including pustules, cracking of skin, skin redness or inflammation
– Itching generally more during winters or cold weather
– Small scaling dots on the skin (especially in children)
– Joint pain or aching, which may be associated with a special type of arthritis (psoriatic arthritis)
– Nail abnormalities, or psoriatic nails
– Genital lesions in males
– Eye burning, itching, and discharge
– Increased tearing
Risk factors:
– Family history: This is a possible risk factor for psoriasis in the largest sense possible opportunity. At least 40% of people suffering from psoriasis, psoriasis patients with a family member.
– Bacterial and viral infections: a healthy immune system are less likely to get psoriasis suffer from HIV than people’s. Repeated infections of infants and young adults, but also psoriasis susceptibility.
– Obesity: excess weight increases the risk of the development of inverse psoriasis. In addition, on all types of psoriasis plaques, usually on the skin folds and creases development.
– Steroids: which is most frequently used for treatment of skin disease. Overuse of high-potency steroids can lead to thinning of skin, internal side effects, treatment resistance, and even worsening of the psoriasis. Steroid use is known to thin the skin, accumulate inside organs such as liver and kidneys, cause and contribute to hair loss and other dangerous side effects. While topical steroids have tremendous benefit in reducing inflammation, they also have significant side effects. Most of these side effects are seen with
– Immunity
Our immune system when functioning normally is designed in such a way that the white blood cells produce antibodies to fight foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria. The white blood cells also produce chemicals which help in healing and fighting infective agents. In Psoriasis and other auto immune disorders these White blood cells cause the body to fight with normal tissues and cells of the skin and occasionally the joints. These WBC’s sometimes also produce abnormal amount of healing chemical which causes more inflammation in the skin and joints
– Genetic factors
Scientists and researchers have found 4 important genes that are involved in Psoriasis. The regulation of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) is the function of these genes. The HLA molecules are designated with the process of presenting the foreign substances to the immune system so they can be destroyed. However in psoriasis this process is malfunctioning. Patients having a specific HLA genetic factor called HLA-CW6 have a tendency to develop psoriasis at early age. But research shows only 10-15% people harboring these genes develop Psoriasis. Not all siblings get psoriasis
– Weather Triggers
Another strong factor in Psoriasis is weather. Generally cold, dry weather starts psoriasis flare-up and the symptoms are in aggravated form during this time. Though during hot, sunny or damp weather the symptoms decrease
– Stress Triggers
Stress, suppressed anger and emotional problems like anxiety and depression are strongly associated with psoriasis flare ups and can be triggers as well. Studies have shown a wide range of stress factor encountered by patients during or before a psoriasis flare up. Another study showed that stress can trigger certain immune factors associated with psoriasis
– Infection Triggers
Certain bacteria and viruses can cause Psoriasis flare ups. A type of Psoriasis known as Guttate psoriasis can be triggered by the bacteria called streptococcus which is known for causing infections such as tonsillitis, sinusitis. HIV is also associated with psoriasis
– Skin Injury Triggers
Occasionally mild injuries to the skin such as abrasions or cuts may trigger a psoriasis flare, which is called as the koebner phenomenon, and may be the reason that psoriasis tends to frequently affect the elbows and knees
– Drug Triggers
The following drugs are known to either worsen psoriasis or induce a flare-up
– Chloroquine
– ACE inhibitors such as monopril or captopril
– Beta blockers such as lopressor or atenolol
– Progesterone
– Lithium
– Smoking, alcohol
Preventive measure
Diet –It has been shown that a healthy diet and lifestyle benefits everyone; especially people with psoriasis. However, there is no specific diet that people with psoriasis should follow. There is evidence that certain foods will contribute to either improving or worsening the condition . It is always recommended that the patient suffering from psoriasis should have a well-balanced diet. Having good amount of juices from grapes and other fruits can help you to have better immune system to fight this disease. Have herbs in daily diet such as basil, ginger, cardamom, saffron, garlic, parsley, tomato, fruit vinegars, and homemade mayonnaise. This kind of diet may not cure this disease but can prove to be very important part of your health.
Mental health-Mental Health is most important aspect of treating psoriasis, as it can lead to depression. Patients may experience feelings ranging from stress and worry to despair and resentment due to the appearance of the psoriasis lesions, the onset of limited mobility, and disfigurement. The resulting lack of self esteem has a powerfully negative effect on overall mental health. Devotion by the patients and their loved ones to continue activity or try new activities is important to maintain mental health.
Homeopathic symptoms & treatment
Homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the basis of symptoms rather than conditions, as each case of a particular illness can manifest differently in different people. There are many symptoms which can be effectively treated by homeopathy few symptoms are given below. If your symptoms are matching to any of the symptoms given below, it can be cured mail the disease and symptom number at to know your medicine.
1. Skin will be dry, rough, scaly, dirty and shriveled. The eruptions are frequent with excessive scaling. There is severe burning sensation in the eruption which is worse in the evening, at night and by cold application, it is better by warm application. Psoriasis has a tendency to alternate with internal affections.Great Prostration, with rapid sinking of the vital forces; fainting.
2. The psoriasis is characterized by marked exfoliation of skin in large scales leaving an exudation surface beneath it. There is intense burning with itching. The patient scratches violently till it bleeds. The psoriasis is worse in dry cold weather, even though he is a hot patient, skin symptoms are better by local application of heat.
3. The skin of hands and face is covered with multiple psoriatic eruptions. There is peeling off of epidermis. The lesions ulcerate easily, especially from slightest injury. Psoriasis is worse in warm weather and better in cold weather. There is a sensation of cobweb on the skin. Excessively nervous, frightened easily and sensitive to sudden noise. Dread of downward motion.
4. Easily fatigued by exertion, sluggish physically, chilly with clammy hands and feet, and often overweight. Skin problems tend to be worse in winter. Typically solid and responsible, these people can be overwhelmed by too much work and stress. Anxiety, claustrophobia, and fear of heights are common. Craves sweets and eggs.
5. Psoriatic eruptions are chiefly located on the scalp, extremities, back. The appearance is scarlet red with lichenification of the surrounding skin. There is severe itching and burning which is worse in warm room, from warm bath and better by cold application and cold bath. Due to presence of secondary infection, the psoriatic eruptions suppurate, which heal with the formation of thick yellow scabs. There may be a greenish-yellow, acrid and offensive discharge.
6. Psoriatic eruption especially around eyes and ears. There is presence of violent itching with tendency to formation of thick crust. The lesions may get infected and can form an eczematous patch which is associated with acrid, foul smelling, pustular discharge.
7. Folds of the skin. e.g., ears, buttocks, groins, bends of joints are the important site for eruption. The eruptions are absolutely dry with little desquamation and more cracking. The cracks bleed very easily and exude gluey moisture. The eruptions are typically worse with local application of heat. The presence of psoriasis in persons who are obese, chilly and constipated. Psoriatic eruption alternating with digestive complaints. Excessive cautiousness; timid, hesitates; unable to decide about anything. Fidgety while sitting at work. Sad, despondent; music makes her weep; thinks of nothing but death.
8. Long-term history of skin disorders. The skin looks tough or leathery skin with cracks and soreness. Itching is often worse from getting warm, and the person may scratch the irritated places till they bleed. Trouble concentrating, especially in the morning,
9. The patient is extremely chilly that he wants to warm himself enough even in summer. There is severe sensation of burning in lesion accompanied by intolerable itching which is worse undressing, night, walking, and warmth. The eruption tends to be better during monsoon season. Individuals are restless, nervous, and anemic and they may have a family or past history of malignant disease.
10. The eruptions are present on chest and back. Ill-effects of worry, loss of business, loss of reputation and embarrassment, or illness of near or dear ones. Affinity for sexual sphere, ill effects of lascivious fancies, satyriasis or nymphomania, could produce psoriatic eruption. The skin of the patient is cold and numb to feel. The patient, in general, feels well when he is busy mentally as well as physically. Persons inclined to obesity; Loss of sensibility, larynx, urethra, entire body; staggering, uncertain gait; feels as if legs were all over sidewalk. Nervous, restless; cannot sit still, must move about or keep occupied; hands and fingers in constant motion; fidgety hands; twitching of fingers. Fits of uncontrollable weeping and profound melancholic delusions. Loss of memory; forgets how to talk; absent-minded; had to be told the word before he could speak it. Depressed, low-spirited, anxious person.
11. Skin is dry, thick and indurated. The psoriatic eruptions are full of fissures with little itching and desquamation. The eruption tries to ulcerate early during the course of sickness. Individuals who grow old prematurely, who are intellectually keen, and who have ill-effects of fear, fright, anxieties, loss of vital fluids. Patient gets a good sense of relief whenever cold applications are applied on the lesion. But burning sensation is always better by local application of heat. The psoriasis is associated with urinary, gastric and hepatic disorders.
12. The skin has a general tendency to free perspiration, but the patient is not relieved thereby, the skin is always moist. The skin around psoriatic eruptions is excoriated like raw meat. The eruptions are prone to early suppuration and ulcerations. There is a sense of itching which is worse at night in bed. Presence of psoriasis in individuals who have history of suppressed gonorrhea.
13. Introverted and formal person, with strong emotions and impulses. Swollen lymph nodes and moist or greasy-looking skin, and are very sensitive to changes in temperature. The areas affected by psoriasis may become infected easily.
14. The skin is dry, eroded and cracked in every angle. Multiple psoriatic eruptions are present with zigzag and irregular margin. The appearance of the lesion is like raw flesh. The cracks within the lesions ulcerate easily and are extremely sensitive to pain and touch. There may be presence of burrowing pus within the lesion. The skin is extremely unhealthy, large jagged warts at various places. Itching in the lesions which are worse on undressing. Tendency to catch cold or diarrhea. Bad effects of, maltreated syphilis and gonorrhea.
15. Chilly person with tendency to develop deep cracks, in angles, nipples, finger tips. Psoriatic eruptions develop in winter season and get aggravated periodically. Early formation of thick, hard, yellowish green crust is the most characteristic symptom. The eruption itches violently and one must scratch until they bleed. The parts become cold after scratching. Psoriatic eruptions typically affect the occiput and the groins. The psoriasis is associated with long lasting and lingering gastric complaints. Psoriasis usually follows after unusual mental strains, fright and grief. Also psoriasis develops after skin diseases are suppressed by local applications. Ailments: from riding in a carriage, railroad car, or in a ship. Ailments, worse before and during a thunderstorm. Symptoms appear and disappear rapidly, Vertigo on rising.
16. The psoriatic eruptions disappear in summer only to occur in winter. The skin is dirty, rough, scabby and greasy. Nape of the neck, scalp, folds of the skin and groins are typically affected. Eruptions itch intolerably which are worse by heat of bed. The patient scratch till it becomes raw and bleeds. Psoriatic eruptions developing after maltreated infectious diseases or long lasting grief reactions. The patient is extremely chilly and hungry with foul carrion-like odor.
17. The skin is dry, rough, wrinkled and scaly. The eruptions break out on almost any part of the body having following characteristics. There is voluptuous violent itching which is aggravated at night, in bed, < scratching and washing. The skin burns whenever the patient scratches. The skin surrounding eruption is excoriated. The psoriasis usually gets worse during spring time and in damp weather. Psoriasis develops after any other skin disease is suppressed by local measures. Psoriasis alternates with various other internal ailments e.g. asthma. Patient will be lean, untidy with offensive body odor. Skin excessively sensitive to atmospheric changes. Standing is the worst position for Sulphur patients; Aversion to being washed; always < after a bath.
18. Person is usually anxious, restless, and compulsively neat and orderly. They are often deeply chilly, experience burning pains with many physical complaints, and become exhausted easily. The skin is dry and scaly and may tend to get infected. Scratching can make the itching worse, and applying heat brings relief.
19. Person is serious, and often feels strong anxiety in the region of the stomach. Scaly plaques may itch intensely, thickening or crusting over if the person scratches them too much. Cold applications relieve the itching (although the person feels generally chilly and improves with warmth). craving for fat, and feel best in open air.
20. Physical problems are aggravated by stressful emotional experiences. Extremely dry skin, and problems that involve the palms and fingertips. The person may feel a cold sensation after scratching, and the skin is easily infected and may look tough and leathery. Itching will be worse at night, and from getting warm in bed.
21. Skin eruptions are red and swollen, and often itch intensely. Hot applications or baths will soothe the itching—and also muscle stiffness, toward which these people often have a tendency. The person is restless, and may pace or constantly move around, Craves cold milk.
22. Patient is irritable, often with little enthusiasm for work or family life. The person’s skin may be look dry and stiff. Psoriasis may appear in many places on the body, including the nails and genitals. Signs of hormonal imbalance are often seen (in either sex), and problems with circulation are common. Exercise often helps this person’s energy and mood.
23. Psoriasis develops after grief or suppressed emotions. Any part of the body can be involved but the scalp is often affected. Patient will be sentimental, quiet, and easily embarrassed — but often have a strong internal anger or deeply-buried hurt.
24. Intensely burning, itching, inflamed eruptions that are worse from warmth and bathing suggest a need for this remedy. Affected areas often look bright red and irritated, with scaling skin that gets inflamed from scratching. This remedy is sometimes helpful to people who have repeatedly used medications to suppress psoriasis (without success).
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